100 reasons why the terrorists are our Government and the cabal
Thanks for your help in getting to 100, but there are many more!
100 reasons why the terrorists are our Government and the cabal
1. Geoengineering the earth organized by the UN and approved by governments
2. Controlling what you can say in public and online
3. Starting wars with foreign countries
4. Dividing the country with a two party system that only represents the lobbyists
5. Eugenicists
6. Using psychology as a weapon
7. Kidnapping our children in the name of righteousness (child sex trafficking, sacrifice and adrenochrome harvesting using torture)
8. Creating laws that have nothing to do with representing our culture or society (The [Sydney] Daily Telegraph reported in July 2004 that 92% of 7,000 readers believe the judicial system is unfair, and that 78% believe it favours criminals.)
9. Spying on us through Smart devices, 5G, phones, street cameras, etc.
10. Creating a society that is ruled by fear (Plandemics, wars, lawlessness, Project Bluebeam, etc.)
11. Saying they support diversity when they are ideological supremicists attacking the straight white Christians
12. Uniting the forces of corporations, representatives and bankers against us
13. Poisoning our food, water and air with chemtrails and bioweapons
14. Brainwashing our children in public schools to hate themselves
15. Destroying Christian culture from within by bribing leaders and banning political comments
16. Arming extremeists while disarming law abiding citizens
17. Running illegal drugs while promoting addictive prescription drugs
18. Injecting children with toxic heavy metals and other poisons
19. Using each crisis to slowly remove our rights without our permission (Hegalian dialectic)
20. Putting people in jail for reposting a meme while releasing violent criminals
21. Keeping new technology from us so they can control us with it
22. Creating chaos in the world (CIA overthrowing unfriendly governments, sanctions, etc.)
23. Uniting against the people while dividing us in many ways
24. Stealing our private property through legal fallicies and deceptions
25. Destroying or killing whistleblowers who expose their agenda
26. Intervening at every level with red, black and green tape
27. Destroying our morals and economy so they can create a Communist state
28. Creating fake news to confuse, anger or pacify the masses for control
29. Manipulating markets to steal from the people
30. Destroying the rule of law where the process is the punishment (Lawfare)
31. Stealing our freedoms that the people fought and died for
32. Using taxation to fund their terrorism
Climate change to destroy manufacturing in western economies
LGBT attack on biblical Christianity
Gender dysphoria to sterilize our children
Excessive immigration with people who do not assimilate
Inflation as part of government policy
Changing interest rates to cause morgage rates to bankrupt owners
Using DEWs to cause fires and earthquakes
Using 5G arrays to control the weather causing floods, droughts, hail, cyclones, etc.
Brainwashing the public with MK Ultra psychological attacks in MSM
Abortion on demand that denies the baby their rights.
AI spreading government misinformation
Secret societies trying to bring about a One World Government or NWO where we will own nothing and be happy we are still alive by eating bugs.
Changing our constitution without a referendum to remove our rights
Changing our governments into companies (LLC) with limited liability
Turning police into collection officers
Two teir legal system that only works for the rich and powerful
Unelected judges and bureaucrats making their own laws with their rulings
Taxation is not constitutional and is collected in so many ways it is impossible to evade. It was used to pay for the war and then wars never stopped
Fluoride in the water makes our IQ 5% lower and makes our teeth brittle so they crack and break off. It doesn’t stop tooth decay. They use a toxin created in making Aluminium.
Glysophate (roundup weedkiller) causes genetic damage and cancer
Plastic bottles leave nanoplastic particles in the liquid that get into our cells
LEDs cause EMR that changes our blood and can cook us if we get too close
Plandemic virus was non-existent and the symptoms were from the flu or colds
PCR test coould not test for virus that had never been isolated
PRC test were over multiplied to get positive results from cell fragments
PCR swabs were used to infect people with the mRNA gene therapy
PCR swabs were used to collect DNA samples without consent
DNA samples were sold to China so they could design bioweapons against us
Hospitals used deadly end of life protocols to murder the sick and call them "COVID deaths"
The "COVID deaths" were used to introduce emergeny powers
Emergency powers were used to enforce lockdowns and stop legal protests with violence
Lockdowns and social distancing were used to stop the truth from being spread
QR codes were used to track and trace for a trial run of Smart city type control
Hospitals would not allow visitors to see their victims being murdered
Hospitals were almost empty and staff were not working hard
Murdered patients were incinerated and disposed of quietly
Hospital staff spent their time rehersing Tik Tok dance videos in empty hospitals
Murdered patients had their organs removed while sedated and sold for a million dollars
People with organ donor on their licenses also have their organs harvested while sedated when they could have been kept alive by claiming they are "Brain dead", when there is no such thing.
Concentration camps have been built to imprison all the antivaxxers in the next Plandemic
The true data about the bioweapons carnage has been hidden from us
We can only estimate the deaths from increases in the all cause death rate compared to previous data and that is very bad, but courts won’t accept it.
The TGA and ATAGI gave approval for the injections when they only had EUA from the FDA in the US and they never did any trials with them as they are required to do.
Big Pharma paid the COVID murderers and promoters lots of money to do it
The whole Plandemic was planned over many years and the details were given at “Agenda 21” months before a pandemic was declared by the WHO
MSM and the government colluded to promote the vaxx and hide the truth while those at the top did not get jabbed themselves. They faked injections for publicity purposes only.
Anti-vaxxers were attacked in an MK-Ultra psychological warfare and physically by the sheeple that believed the propaganda
The injected were factories for the deadly spike proteins and they shed them onto others to cause them to get poisoned and make them think they had the non-existent virus
Businesses and government departments sacked workers who refused the bioweapon jabswhen they had no right to ask for our private medical records
Borders were closed and Queensland medical help was only for Queenslanders even though most of their funding came from the federal government
Farmers could not feed their animals if they had to cross a border to reach them
Daniel Andrews took the lockdowns to the extreme by locking people up in their apartments for months, closing parks and golf courses. He won the title of the worst and longest lockdowns in the world
Gas appliances are being phased out so everything will be electric and controlable via Smart meters
Street lights have had 5G weapons and cameras installed on them to kill with the press of a button and watch everything
5G weapons can penetrate walls to kill people
5G was responsible for the valentines day mass killing in the streets of Hong Kong
A 5G weapon was used to burn the skin of protesters to control their movements
Border crossing "Violations" were used to kill people on their private property, without permission to enter, so they could steal their land and get approval for a gas mine.
Port Arthur was a planned false flag with the CIA to take our guns away from us and blame a retarded patsy who was given no rights and forced to confess after a month of honest denials. They hoped they could repeat it in the US
The Voice was designed to take way our private property and give it to the UN through some Communist activists who were to be in charge of the voice to parliament, treaty and "Truth telling" aka rewriting the true documented history of Australia with lies that make whites look guilty of theft and genocide
Aboriginal land rights, the voice and their cultural activities were used to divide us as a Communist plan recorded in the book "Red over black"
The 1901 constitution was illegally changed without a referendum by Whitlam and so it is still our legal constitution, but the government is no longer legal and has been changed to a company with limited liability, is insolvent and owned by Big Finance in the US who own the shares and want to kill us all
The Mafia, China and other foreign countries have been paying our politicians to give them tax breaks, get out of jail free cards and control of our resources
MSM has been promoting sport to engague the masses so they don't see all these crimes being committed against them and leave them to be apathetic towards them if they do see them
Local governments are not constitutional and were rejected by the people in a referendum as two forms of government seem enough for most of us. Today they also operate as corporate businesses and all have an ABN so they cannot make laws or charge rates. To get you to pay for their services they need to provide a prospectus and have a signed agreement with each property owner
Government companies always use capitalized names when asking us for money. This is not who you are, it is a legal fiction created using your birth certificate which is insured for millions and is a trust fund that they borrow from. You are the living person who is the trustee of that money if you are over 18 years of age. All payments required in that name should be redirected to the registrar general's office where they will make that payment as holders of the all capitals title
Car registration with the corporate government means they own your motor vehicle, but of course you don't need to register any of your private property with them and you cannot be restricted from travelling on public land in your private property. So do not call it a motor vehicle, it is your private property with all your rights according to our legal 1901 constitution.
If the police should ever ask you about your motor vehicle, you should tell them they are wrong and it is your private property and that you do not answer questions so do not answer anything they say even in casual conversation as they try to trap you by getting you to answer one question and so give up your rights to freedom of speech to not answer any questions.
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thanks for #33, it was an inspiration, showing how easy it is to find ways they terrorise us.
Sad isn't it that there are lists and more lists of how our governments terrorize us??